This statement is prepared pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code, by Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, in relation to the personal data provided by users during access and/or registration or purchase on the site
1. Holder of the treatment
Holder of the processing of personal data is Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, individual enterprise, with its legal headquarters in via Lazio 34, 33080 Porcia (PN) - Italy, VAT number: IT01705440939 - tax code: CVZNNA71A45A757B Registered in the Register of Companies under REA number PN-97993, phone 0434 241 455 e-mail – pec:
2. The purposes of the processing
Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, it will process the personal data provided by users for the following purposes:
(a) to allow registration and use of the services reserved to registered users, including the ability to make a purchase online and, then, to allow the conclusion of the purchase contract and the correct execution of the operations related to the same. In addition, users, even if not registered, will be able to send requests for information or clarification about the products for sale on and, to give course to such a request, Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali will require the provision of some personal data (e.g. name, surname, and email address);
(b) for administrative and accounting purposes related to the recording and and to make a purchase online as well as to fulfill obligations of the law;
(c) with the prior consent of the user, for sending information and promotional communications (including the "newsletter"), discount vouchers and special offers, from Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali , in relation to the products and services of Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, or third parties, as well as for conducting market research also aimed to assess the degree of satisfaction of the users by e-mail and postal service (c.d. the purposes of "marketing").
(d) limited to the electronic mail address provided by the user in the context of the purchase of a product or service offered on to allow the direct sale of similar products or services without the necessity of consent and budget of the user (as provided for by art. 130, paragraph 4 of the Privacy Code), and provided that the user does not exercise the right of opposition, in the ways described in art. 3 that follows (c.d. "soft spamming").
It is also stated that:
Data related to the credit card
To make a payment on by credit card, the user must enter the confidential data of the credit card (card number, cardholder, expiration date, security codes). These data will be acquired by the payment service provider which will act as autonomous data controller, without passing through the server Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, therefore, will not deal in any way with this data. The data will be captured in an encrypted format and according to the safety requirements of the PCI certification. The payment service uses the SSL Protocol (Secure Sockets Layer). The user may request, through the saving of such data, but the data will be saved directly by the provider of the payment service and will not be acquired by Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali that will keep track only of the last four digits of the credit card number only and exclusively for preventing fraud in online payments.
Sensitive Data
For the purposes of registration and to make a purchase via has never required the submission of sensitive data.
3. Conferral of data and consequences in case of failure to consent to the treatment
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in points (a) and (b) of art. 2 that the preceding is merely optional. However, since this is necessary to allow the registration to and the performance of the online purchase, the eventual refusal of the user to give the data in question will result in the inability to register to and to conclude a purchase online.
With reference to the purposes of the processing referred to in points (c) ("marketing") of art. 2 above, the consent to the processing of personal data is purely optional and may be manifested through the selection of an appropriate box for each distinct purpose, which is present at the bottom of the registration form to . Failure to consent will not result in any consequence on the possibility to register to and/or make a purchase on the same and involve exclusively the consequences described below:
- failure to consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in art. 2, letter (c) ("marketing") above, will result in the inability to receive information and promotional communications (including the "newsletter"), discount vouchers and special offers, from Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali , in relation to the products and services of Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, or third parties, as well as for conducting market research also aimed to assess the degree of satisfaction of the users by means of email and postal service;
The user may, in every case, revoke the consent if necessary provided for the purposes described in paragraphs (c) ("marketing") of art. 2, or to oppose processing for the purposes referred to in subparagraph (d) ("soft spamming") by contacting Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali at the address listed at art. 1 above.
In addition, for the limited purposes described in paragraph (c) ("marketing"), and (d) ("soft spamming") of art. 2 above, the user may object to the processing of data concerning him, even through the appropriate link at the bottom of any e-mail promotional content sent by Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali . The opposition manifested by those modes also extends to the sending of communications through the postal service.
4. Methods of data processing
The data processing will be mainly carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, according to the mode and with suitable means to ensure the security and confidentiality of data in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code. In particular, will be taken all the technical measures, informational, organizational, logistical and procedural security, so as to guarantee the minimum level of data protection required by law, allowing access only to persons in charge of the treatment by the Owner or responsible party by the same designated.
5. Scope of communication of data
The personal data provided by the user, for the purposes described in art. 2 above, may be brought to the knowledge of or communicated to the following subjects:
- to employees and/or collaborators of Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali , to carry out activities of administration, accounting and computer support, and logistics, acting in the quality, respectively, of responsible in charge of the processing;
- to companies or consultants in charge of installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, the management of the hardware and software Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali ;
- a company contracted by Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali sending online communications;
- to all those public and/or private, natural persons and/or juridical persons (legal consultancy firms, administrative and tax), if the communication is necessary or functional for the proper fulfilment of the contractual obligations assumed in relation to the services provided by , as well as the obligations arising from the law;
- the entities responsible for the repair of products purchased in execution of the legal guarantee of conformity;
- shippers and persons in charge of the delivery and/or pick-up of purchased products;
- all subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to the data by legislative measures or administrative activities.
All the personal data provided by users in relation to the recording and and/or buy via are not subject to disclosure. The updated list of data processors and persons in charge of processing is available for inspection at the registered office of the Owner.
6. Data retention
The user's data will be kept for the time necessary to ensure the proper performance of the services offered.
In the case of closure of the account on the initiative of the user, the data reported will be kept for administrative purposes for a period not exceeding one quarter, subject to any specific legal obligations on the preservation of accounting documentation or for the purposes of public safety.
In any case, it is understood that the personal data will be stored and processed for the purposes referred to in letters (c) "marketing", referred to in art. 2 above, for the period of time allowed by law and by the requirements of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data. At the end of this period Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali will ask the user to renew the consent to the processing of personal data for such purposes or make the same in an anonymous form and retain it solely for statistical purposes.
7. The right of access to personal data
Pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code, the user has the right to:
a) obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him and their communication in intelligible form;
b) obtaining, by each of the Holders of the treatment:
- information on the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of treatment, the logic applied in case of treatment effected with the aid of electronic instruments;
- indication of the identity of each of the Holders of the treatment;
- information about the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may come to knowledge of them in quality of representative designated in the territory of the state, managers or agents;
c) to obtain:
- the updating, rectification or integration of data concerning him;
- the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose conservation is unnecessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
- the attestation that the operations referred in the preceding paragraphs have been notified, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, except where this requirement proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
d) oppose, in whole or in part:
- for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection;
- to the processing of personal data concerning him envisaged for the purposes of commercial information or sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
The above rights may be exercised with a request to Sistemarredi Anna Cavezzali, using the contact details found in the art. 1.
The right to withdraw their consent to the processing of his personal data for the purposes referred to in art. 2, letter (c) (marketing) carried out through automated means of contact (email) also extends to the traditional ones (e-mail), without prejudice to the possibility for the interested party to exercise this right in part, pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 4, letter b) of the Privacy Code, i.e., opposing, for example, to only dispatch of promotional communications made through automated tools.
link to the Italian Data Protection Authority